Tuesday, September 21, 2021


Dear Clients and Friends,

Why should prospects hire you over your competitors?

Below is an article in which I apply sophisticated negotiation techniques to persuasion and influence in the sales context.

Should you have an interest in tools for resolving disputes, listen here to a podcast in which I am interviewed about my favorite dispute resolution tools. 

If you prefer videos, please visit our newly launched YouTube channel and subscribe. This channel provides exclusively informative and instructional content relating to negotiation, communication and dispute resolution. 

Whether through the written word, audio podcasts or visual videos, I look most forward to further engagement with you! 

With Best Wishes, 

The Differentiation Dilemma

In sales, one of the more intimidating but inescapable aspects of business is meeting with prospective clients and trying to obtain new accounts. We are not taught how to do this effectively in school nor do we deliberately go out and seek training or coaching to improve our skills (although that would be money well invested). We attempt an ad-hoc approach without a road map and process which results in unpredictable and hit-or-miss outcomes.

One of the more threatening situations that we often encounter is what I call the “differentiation dilemma,” and in this column, I will equip you with an approach and process to respond to this potentially perilous encounter with a greater rate of success.

While attempting to win over a new client, we may think that we are impressing them with our knowledge and acumen. All seems to be perfectly aligned as we begin to feel quite proud of our salesmanship and performance. However, that euphoric feeling can be rather abruptly shattered when the prospective client says: “So, tell me why I should hire you over the other hundred vendors who called my office last week?”


Wednesday, September 1, 2021


Dear Clients and Friends, 
International conflicts provide a highly effective laboratory to extract profound lessons about negotiation and dispute resolution that can be successfully applied to corporate, organizational and individual negotiations. With that in mind, below is my opinion piece published in the Jerusalem Post which presents a new approach to the old Palestinian-Israeli conflict in the Middle East. 

Should you have an interest in tools for resolving disputes, listen here to a podcast in which I am interviewed about my favorite dispute resolution tools. If you prefer videos, please visit our newly launched YouTube channel and subscribe. This channel provides exclusively informative and instructional content relating to negotiation, communication and dispute resolution. Whether through the written word, audio podcasts or visual videos, I look most forward to further engagement with you! 

With Best Wishes, 

A New Conversation on the 
Longstanding Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
By Raphael Lapin 

 Despite many efforts at resolving the dispute between Israel and the Palestinians, there have never been any comprehensive solutions proposed that were acceptable to all sides.

That however, does not absolve us from continuously searching for potential solutions, because leadership changes; civilian influence changes; geopolitics change and generations change, and with those changes come new perceptions, perspectives, paradigms and priorities that can drive serious consideration of solutions today that were unacceptable yesterday.

With these changes, occasionally entirely new and different ideas emerge, which can potentially advance productive and purposeful talks. It is one such idea that I humbly propose in this article in the hope that it might be a foundation upon which to build further.

A brief history about the ubiquitous one-state and two-state solutions is a good place to start.

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